About Us

Family Water Alliance is a strong advocate for family farmers and rural landowners. For over 30 years, FWA has been a champion for private property rights, water rights, balanced environmental policy and issues that impact rural communities.
FWA Working for You….Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Communicates with the media about issues that impact family farmers, irrigation and environmental regulations.
FWA writes and distributes a quarterly newsletter that is delivered to thousands of supporters and policy makers.
FWA is a strong advocate for flood control in rural communities.
Attends scores of local, state and federal agency meetings to keep landowners informed of policies and decisions that impact family farms, water rights and property rights.
FWA is the driving force for the establishment of meaningful landowner assurances and a robust good neighbor policy that will assure to minimize, avoid, and/or mitigate for any of the negative impacts caused by these programs.
Was the lead organization in successfully opposing the abuse of the extraordinary power of eminent domain by Yolo County to needlessly and imprudently seize the Conaway Ranch. FWA testified on several occasions at the State Capitol in support of several legislative measures aimed at reforming the eminent domain process in a manner that would be respectfully of private property rights. Participated on the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights Board.
Represents landowners' voice in the development of local, state and federal water planning efforts.
Participated in dispute resolution regarding issues of recreation, agriculture, and habitat restoration, between landowners, and water agencies and the resource agencies, including State Parks, DFG, USFWS, and others.