As we all know, farming and ranching is a long standing legacy in Colusa County. Colusa County Grown was created to support this legacy by promoting local growers and their products, enhancing the farm-to-fork connection and educating the public on the environmental stewardship provided by agriculture. CCG was launched by the Colusa County Resource Conservation District and designed to be led by local producers and community members who know and understand what it’s like to live and farm in Colusa County.
It all began when the Colusa County RCD was granted a Farmers Market Promotion Program Grant in 2012 and launched Colusa County Grown (CCG) with the goal of promoting Colusa County agriculture. It did so through two strategies: creating a recognizable and well-designed logo for locally grown products, and a robust consumer education program that highlighted the benefits of eating locally grown food. Since then, CCG has put on events such as workshops and seminars, participated in local dinners and fairs, and created a social media presence that is used to spread the word about agriculture in the county. Additionally, CCG has produced several editions of the Colusa County Grown Local Farm and Food Guide, which lists local producers, seasonal food charts, and featured farmer stories. CCG also held a mock Ag Road Trip to explore the possibilities of including agritourism into their promotion strategy for farmers and ranchers.
Today, Colusa County Grown continues to promote farmers and educate consumers. Most recently, it is opened a membership program that offers many benefits, ranging from logo use, supporter acknowledgement, listings on the website or other publications, and advertisement discounts. There are three different levels of membership to provide flexibility to the many types of agribusinesses and supporters in the county. A full list of benefits for each level can be obtained by visiting or by contacting the Colusa County Resource Conservation District.
Local pecan producer and Colusa County Grown president Theresa Bright has been using the CCG logo since it began, and has seen an increase in loyalty from her customers. She says she loves using the logo because, “I am proud of my home county, and want people to know what wonderful things grow here.” Many other local producers who have become members express the same sentiment, noting that the logo makes their product recognizable and attracts customers who are supportive of the local food movement.
Colusa County Grown is not just for farmers or ranchers. This organization encourages and welcomes anyone who is interested in showing their support for local agriculture. By becoming members and displaying support, people show their local farmer that they and their business are validated and appreciated. CCG strives to promote this relationship between consumer and grower, and plans on doing so for many years to come. Membership applications can be obtained at or by contacting the Colusa County Resource Conservation District at or calling 530-458-2931 x 117 or 101.