The Sites Project Authority will file a Notice of Preparation that the Sites Project Authority (SPA) will be the lead agency for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document for the Sites Reservoir. This is one of many steps that he SPA will take to qualify for money from the Proposition 1 Water Bond funds. There will be two public meetings held, one at the SPA office and one in Sacramento, to allow people to comment and ask questions about the process. A letter notifying landowners of the notice went out earlier this month. If you did not get a notice and are a landowner, please contact the SPA by emailing
In addition to the Notice of Preparation the SPA continues to work on the preparation for submitting a proposal to the California Water Commission for Proposition 1 funding for the Sites Project. Part of that work involves providing information about the potential for public benefits Sites has to offer.  The Sites Project would add enough water to the system per year to serve 1.2 million homes, farms & businesses. Up to 50% of Site Project water can be dedicated to environmental flows, benefiting endangered fish. To download a copy of the latest flyer for the Sites Project go to,